Congratulations to Dennis near Lakeland, Florida. And many thanks to Bill Granade (again) in Tampa for helping Dennis get past the bumps. Dennis drilled/washed a well down 18 feet. For drilling fluid, he used a transfer pump to get water from a river 150 feet from his drill site. He hit hardpan at 18 feet. His standing water level at the driest part of the year is eleven feet. He put down a 1.25 inch screen four feet long. That is running it pretty close but it worked out great for Dennis. He is pretty crafty. He put in a 300 gallon poly tank so he can really put out high volume water when he needs it. Dennis reports he can fill that 300 gallon tank on half throttle in about five minutes. That is impressive!
Here are photographs of the handle that Dennis fabricated to use on his drilling project:

Check out the video that Dennis submitted regarding his project!
Dennis furnished these photographs of the finished project.

That is a very impressive tank and stand. Nice Job, Dennis!